Faculty Funding and Development

Faculty Funding
Funds for International Scholars
Limited funding is awarded for the fall and spring semesters to support linkages between Wake Forest University and International Scholars. These linkages may include invitations to international scholars for presentations, lectures, short research projects, or other types of collaboration.
Funds for an International Conference
Limited funding is awarded for the fall, spring or summer to support an international conference or colloquium. The event should focus on global issues, bringing together scholars with an interdisciplinary and international perspective. The funds are intended to defray administrative and logistical costs associated with hosting the event, exclusive of accommodations and transportation for participants.
Provost Office Funds
Additional funds for faculty are available on the Provost’s Grants and Funding webpage.
Faculty Development
Faculty International Development Seminars
The Provost Office for Global Affairs invites the submission of proposals for participation in faculty development seminars offered by CIEE and SIT each summer.
Limited funding is awarded for faculty development seminars each summer through CIEE (Council on International Exchange). This funding covers all seminar fees and a $1500 travel allowance. The faculty member is responsible for passport or visa fees, one meal per day, personal expenses, and incidentals. Seminars are offered around the world and focus on a cross-section of topics and disciplines.
CIEE is offering 17 International Faculty Development Seminars which typically run for 1-2 weeks:
SIT is offering three Faculty Seminars Abroad which typically run for 10 days:
Based on the evaluation of proposals, up to three WFU faculty members will be chosen to participate. The Provost Office for Global Affairs will cover the program fee, which includes accommodations, two meals daily, and transportation. Funding is also available to cover the cost of an international airline ticket up to $1500. Faculty who are selected will be responsible for any portion of their airfare over $1500 as well as passport costs or visa fees, one meal per day, personal expenses, and incidentals.
Proposals are due to Kline Harrison each December. Those selected will then submit their formal application to the CIEE or SIT program for which they have been awarded funding.
Your written proposal (1-2 pages) should include an explanation of how the seminar you have chosen will concretely benefit your teaching and research interests. Also, please attach an abbreviated CV (3-5 pages only). Preference will be given to faculty members with less international experience and to those who will use the seminar to branch out beyond their present teaching/research interests. Send your proposal directly to Kline Harrison (harrisjk@wfu.edu) or Box 7688.
Questions? Contact Kline Harrison at harrisjk@wfu.edu, or 758-4907.
Faculty Overseas Collaborating on Undergraduate Seminars
(FOCUS) Program
The goals of this program are to:
- To foster intellectual engagement of faculty from across disciplines in the College
- To expand global mindsets and experiences
- To provide support for writing across the curriculum
- To generate new and creative First Year Seminars
- To support interfaculty relationships and collegiality
- To provide an opportunity for faculty to convene and collaborate in an international setting
Biannually we bring together a cohort of eight faculty members (including a lead faculty member and a writing program faculty member) who then form two teams of four to collaboratively develop two interdisciplinary FYSs over the course of one-week while living at the Worrell House in London. Although these FYSs are expected to have a global focus, the cohort will have full discretion in choosing an overall theme, with the two teams then each choosing a seminar topic aligned with that theme (but distinct from the other team’s topic). The lead faculty member will handle budgeting and logistics for the entire group of eight, while the writing faculty member will serve as a consultant to both teams. Each team will individually submit their respective proposal to the FYS committee upon return to campus.
While abroad, each cohort will develop the curriculum for its FYS. Upon return to campus, they will collaboratively teach the seminar twice over the next two years during either fall or spring semester as agreed upon by the two teams. Each faculty member will agree to teach for at least three weeks during each of these two semesters. The three-week teaching assignments will not be part of the faculty member’s course load. Instead, compensation will be in the form of paid travel to and living expenses within London, as well as a modest stipend ($1500/semester) for the three-week teaching assignment during each of the two semesters. Also, the lead faculty member and writing faculty members will receive additional supplements for their administrative and consulting work, respectively.
(Please note: Previous faculty who participated in the FOCUS program will be available to meet with newly selected participants to answer questions and provide guidance.)
This opportunity is open to all permanent full-time faculty in the College. To apply, please prepare a one-page document addressing the following question: Considering the goals of this unique program, what prompted you to apply and how will you contribute? Also, please have your department chair send an email endorsing your participation in the program. Both your application and the chair’s email may be sent to:
Kline Harrison, Associate Provost for Global Affairs, at harrisjk@wfu.edu.
Some of the factors that will be taken into consideration in the selection process include: Diversity in rank, diversity in discipline, and former student evaluations.
Click here to be redirected to the WFU webpage for faculty and staff Fulbright opportunities.
Fulbright International Education Administrators Program
The Fulbright International Education Administrators Program provides fully funded grants for U.S. higher education administrators to participate in an intensive two-week seminar abroad. Participants learn about other countries’ higher education systems, and they develop new perspectives and insights for improving internationalization opportunities on their campus.
India – Deadline: August 1, 2016
Russia – Deadline: October 17, 2016
Japan – Deadline: November 1, 2016
Korea – Deadline: November 1, 2016
France – Deadline: February 1, 2017
Germany – Deadline: February 1, 2017
Scholar-in-Residence Program
For more information about the Scholar-in-Residence Program, follow this link. The application and guidelines can be found here:
Additional information:
- Faculty and staff may contact Nelson Brunsting (brunstnc@wfu.edu) in the Center for Global Programs and Studies for more information about the Fulbright program.
- Tom Phillips is the campus representative for the student Fulbright program.
More information coming soon.
Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement and Conference
Our Focus
WISE is the pioneering conference for faculty leaders, program coordinators, and administrators to develop the knowledge and skills needed to help students advance their intercultural skills and awareness during their abroad experiences.
Our Audience:
- Faculty who lead or teach programs abroad
- Study abroad directors and advisors
- Administrators and Faculty who support international experiences
- International student & scholar directors and advisors
- Educators interested in improving the intercultural skills of students studying outside of their home country
For more information, visit the WISE website