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Three courses are available to help you make the most of your study abroad program, Richter Scholarship-funded research endeavor, or Community-Based Global Learning trip. These courses will assist you in preparing for, experiencing and reflecting upon your time studying, living and working effectively in cultures other than your own.

Enrolling in these courses is voluntary and not required for you to study or travel abroad. Classes are one-credit, Pass/Fail and conducted asynchronously online. Permission of instructor is required.

See course descriptions, sample syllabi and how to register below.

The International Studies (INS) subject code is now Contemporary Global Studies (CGS), effective Fall 2022.

CGS 150 (Preparing for Cross-Cultural Engagement Abroad)

Introduces you to cultural basics and skills needed for understanding and interacting with people in other cultures. Assignments familiarize you with host-country specifics and prepare you for a successful stay – whether in a homestay, WFU house, dorm or apartment. This is a half-semester course, taken in the semester before you study abroad. (1h P-POI)

CGS 151 (Cross-Cultural Engagement Abroad)

This course helps you maximize immersion and exposure to different aspects of the host culture.  A mixture of interactive activities and reflections on your experiences, it is designed to help you develop a deeper understanding of the culture in which you are living.  In the process, you will learn more about yourself as well.  Taken during the fall or spring semester while you are abroad. (1h P-POI)

CGS 152 (Cross-Cultural Engagement and Reentry)

Provides opportunities to reflect on your experience abroad and your re-entry to life in the US. You will delve deeper into culture and also learn how to leverage your international experience for jobs, careers, or further international experience. Half-semester, ideally taken in the semester after you studied abroad. (1h P-POI)

Interested in Syllabi?

For a better idea of what to expect from each course, access sample syllabi below.

Want to Register?

Each of these classes requires a prerequisite override from the instructor. Complete the Request Course Section Prerequisite Override task in Workday, and include a comment about the semester and location of your study abroad experience. After approval, Workday will send a notification, and you may then register for the course.

This should be done at least one day prior to the course Add Deadline to give the instructor time to approve your request. If your submission comes in after 4:30pm on the actual deadline, there is no guarantee it will be processed in time for you to register.

Still have questions?

Contact Sandra Lisle McMullen and/or Center for Global Programs and Studies, email: Phone: 336-758-4889.