2006 QEP

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) was developed as a key part of Wake Forest University‟s reaffirmation of SACS accreditation in 2006.
As part of the SACS reaccreditation process, each college or university needs to have a specific quality enhancement plan (QEP) that will improve student learning. SACS states that “the concept of quality enhancement is at the heart of the Commission’s philosophy of accreditation.”
Based on the strength of Wake Forest University’s international programs, as well as the growing importance of understanding and appreciating other cultures and economies of the world, “Preparing Students to be Global Citizens” has been identified as the University’s QEP.
As President Hatch stated in his opening letter of the QEP:
“This plan builds upon Wake Forest’s tradition of excellence in undergraduate education and commitment to broadening the liberal arts education of our students through international experiences. By enhancing the quality and expanding the range of international experiences, the initiatives extend our already substantial achievements in international education. Although the Quality Enhancement Plan focuses on the international experiences of our undergraduates, we fully anticipate that the programs, actions, and the enhanced institutional infrastructure will have positive implications for the internationalization of the University as a whole.”
President Nathan Hatch, 2006
This plan was developed with input from a large range of faculty, students, and staff of the University, and feedback was welcomed throughout its development. This website provides information on the focus, rationale, content, and development of the QEP.