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FOR Faculty/Staff Leading a Group of Student Participants FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT:

Wake Forest University requires all faculty or staff-led groups involving student participants FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT to complete the forms listed below. This includes programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The requirement extends to the Schools of Business, Divinity and Law,  as well as the Graduate School (Reynolda Campus ONLY).

All Group leaders must provide all required forms and information to the Center for Global Programs and Studies (GPS).

  1. Submit the GROUP Travel Information Form for Faculty/Staff Led Groups with Student Participants FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT.
  2. Submit the Guidelines for Faculty/Staff Directors (PDF). If there is more than one group leader, both must complete this form.
  3. Submit the Faculty/Staff Assumption of Risk & Release Form (PDF). If traveling with another person (e.g. spouse or child), the Assumption of Risk & Release – OTHER Travelers (PDF) must be completed for each additional person.
  4. Submit a list of your group participants to GPS.  The list must include each student’s full name (first, middle and last), student ID and e-mail address (not required for WFU study abroad programs). 
  5. Submit to GPS a copy of your program itinerary with contact information (not required for WFU study abroad programs). 
  6. Purchase GeoBlue International Travel Insurance (mandatory) [See NOTE 1 Below]. The cost of GeoBlue insurance depends on the length of time abroad. The GeoBlue Price Grid provides cost information. Group leader must complete the GeoBlue Registration Template (all of the orange headed columns) and email to If you are leading a WFU study abroad program, please complete the GeoBlue Application Form for Faculty/Staff (PDF).
  7. Ensure each of your participants completes the Student Assumption of Risk and Release Form (PDF) and the Student Health Questionnaire (PDF) (group participants do not need to do the Individual Travel form) [See NOTE 2 Below].
  8. Contact GPS to arrange for an international security briefing for your group. Call 758-5938 or email
  • NOTE 1 – If you are an undergraduate WFU Program Faculty Director and your program is being processed in WakeAbroad, this insurance will be purchased for you by GPS.
  • NOTE 2 – If you are an undergraduate WFU Program Faculty Director and your program is being processed in WakeAbroad, your students’ forms will be completed on-line through WakeAbroad.

If you have any questions, please contact GPS at 758-5938 or