WISE 2025 Registrants
First Name | Last Name | Institution/Organization |
Raphael | Abayateye | Baylor University |
Soohyoun | Ahn | University of Florida |
Leslie | Allen | Duke University |
Luz Maria | Alvarez | Johnson County Community College |
Mariah | Ambrose | Wartburg College |
Eliese | Ashline | Wake Forest University |
Anita | Badhwar | University of Florida |
Rabina | Baksh Bissessar | University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Ananya | Bali | Wake Forest University |
Wanda | Balzano | Wake Forest University |
Rachel | Barnes | Wake Forest University |
Betsy | Barre | Wake Forest University |
Hunter | Bass | Appalachian State University |
Rilie | Bass | James Madison University |
Shaul | Bassi | Wake Forest University / Ca’ Foscari University Venice |
Amanda | Batten | Wake Forest University |
Annette | Benson | Purdue University / CILMAR |
Waseem-Ahmed | Bin-Kasim | Elon University |
Patrick | Bingham | Wake Forest University |
Stephen | Braye | Elon University |
Gail | Bretan | Wake Forest University |
Katelyn | Brown-Gomez | North Carolina State University |
Christian | Burris | Wake Forest University |
Brian | Calhoun | Wake Forest University |
Christina | Canon | Wake Forest University |
Xinyu | Cao | Wake Forest University |
Joe | Cassidy | Wake Forest University |
Summer | Chandler | Clemson University |
Matthew | Childs | Wake Forest University |
Kate | Chu | Wake Forest University |
Amy | Ciaccia | Wake Forest University |
Scott | Claybrook | Wake Forest University |
Janice | Claybrook | Wake Forest University |
Natalie | Coers | University of Florida |
Jeffrey | Cohen | Appalachian State University |
Monique | Constance-Huggins | Winthrop University |
Katie Reich | Costanza | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
Laura | Craniey | Bloom Learning Solutions |
Andrea | Custodi | Authentica |
Andie | D’Agostino | Swarthmore College |
Katrijn | D’Herdt | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Sarah | Dale | Wake Forest University |
Mary | Dalton | Wake Forest University |
Philip | Davies | Wake Forest University / INSTEP |
Darla | Deardorff | UNESCO Chair on Intercultural Competence |
Anita | Deeg-Carlin | Wesleyan University |
Katie | DeGuzman | Dickinson College |
Joel | Deichmann | Bentley University |
Tina | Deloglos | Wake Forest University |
Paula | DiBiasio | Elon University |
Allison | Durand | Elon University |
Timothy | Dykes | Wake Forest University |
Paul | Edwards | St. Olaf College |
Tyler | Favale | Wake Forest University |
Jessica | Francis | Wake Forest University |
Kristal | Funk | Global Education Allies |
Rebecca | Fuss | Wake Forest University |
Sara | Gailey | Weber State University |
Javier | Garcia Garrido | Wake Forest University / Spain |
Ravi | Ghadge | University of Florida |
Todd | Goen | Global Puzzles |
Nadrya | Godwin | Elizabeth City State University |
Jenna Kate | Gordon | Elon University |
Emmy | Grace | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
Jillian | Grant | University of North Carolina Charlotte |
Madeline | Gregory | William & Mary |
Becca | Gwyn | Wake Forest University |
Elenora | Haag | Wake Forest University |
Angela | Hales | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Riley | Hall | Wake Forest University |
Teresa | Hall | Central Piedmont Community College |
Sara | Harb | Elon University |
Christi | Hardwick | Wake Forest University School of Law |
Rayna | Harris | Wake Forest University |
Kline | Harrison | Wake Forest University |
Tara | Harvey | True North Intercultural |
Margaret | Hass | Purdue University |
Ashley | Hawkins Parham | Wake Forest University |
James | Holden | Appalachian State University |
Kylie | Holloway | Wake Forest University |
Kim | Holton | University of Florida |
Paul | Hopkinson | CEA CAPA | Education Abroad |
William | Hutton | Virginia Tech |
Susan | Hyman | SSA Education Abroad |
Tishana | Jackson | Winston Salem State University |
Lauren | Jacobs | University of Tennessee |
Tracy | Jarrell | Appalachian State University |
Maria | Jay | William & Mary |
Ethan | Jones | Elizabeth City State University |
Nicole | Jones | Trinity University |
Renee | Just | Forsyth Technical Community College |
Kristen | Keach | Wake Forest University |
Adey | Kefenie | Virginia Tech |
Sarah | Kegley | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Deborah | Kim | Wheaton College (IL) |
Jessica | Kim | University of North Carolina Charlotte |
Cory | Kirby | WorldStrides |
Hal | Knowles | University of Florida |
Lee | L’Hote | IES Abroad |
Katy | Lack | Wake Forest University |
Kyre | Lahtinen | Wake Forest University |
Danielle | Lake | Elon University |
Lucy | Lawrence | Warren Wilson College |
Prudence | Layne | Elon University |
Jami | Leibowitz | East Carolina University |
Carina | Leitorles | Unaffiliated |
Laura | Levi Altstaedter | East Carolina University |
Roderick | Lewis | Wake Forest University |
Sabrina Xiaoyan | Liu | University of Pittsburgh |
Dennise | López | Wake Forest University |
Jo | Lowe | Wake Forest University |
Angela | Luedke | University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Nathanial | Lynch | Wake Forest University |
Rose | Malone | East Carolina University |
Sandy | Marshall | Elon University |
Christopher | Martin | Wake Forest University School of Law |
Purificación | Martínez | East Carolina University |
Mike | Massingham | EDU Africa |
Sue | Mathias | Duke University |
Kathryn | Mayers | Wake Forest University |
Marta | McCabe | Duke University |
Sean | McGlynn | CET Academic Programs |
Allison | McIntyre | Duke University |
Sandra Lisle | McMullen | Wake Forest University |
Véronique | McNelly | Wake Forest University |
Allison | McWilliams | Wake Forest University |
Sara | Mendonca | Wake Forest University |
J. Maria | Merrills | Winston-Salem State University |
Li | Miles | Wake Forest University |
Lisa B. | Miller | Dartmouth College |
Annie | Miya | Wake Forest University |
Joshua | Monthei | University of Michigan |
Mary | Moore | Duke University |
Donal | Mulcahy | Wake Forest University |
Stephen | Murphy | Wake Forest University |
Shahla | Namak | Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center |
Jamieson | Nathan | Wake Forest University |
Pingchien | Neo | University of Florida |
Anh | Nguyen | Wake Forest University |
Zakiyyah | Niang | Wake Forest University |
Renae | Ninneman | University of Nebraska Lincoln |
Esther | Obonyo | IES Abroad |
Lauren | Owens | Swarthmore College |
Carissa | Pallander | Elon University |
Andrea | Patterson-Masuka | Winston-Salem State University |
Angela | Patti | SUNY Buffalo State |
Kelsey | Patton | Purdue University / CILMAR |
Polly | Penter | Arcadia University |
Hector | Perez | Elon University |
Asher | Persin | University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Stacie | Petter | Wake Forest University |
Kaleigh | Phelps | James Madison University |
David | Puente | WorldStrides Higher Ed |
Yasuko | Rallings | Wake Forest University |
Meg | Ramey | WorldKind |
Robbye | Ramirez | Wake Forest University |
Thomas | Rankin | Borromini Institute |
Adrienne | Reda | High Point University |
Fabiola | Riobe | Kansas City Kansas Community College |
Luz | Rivera | Elizabeth City State University |
Melanie | Robbins | East Carolina University |
Paloma | Rodriguez | University of Florida |
Sebastian | Rodriguez | University of Florida |
Alessandra | Rosetti | Virginia Tech |
Nicholas | Rugbart | Elon University |
Cody | Ryberg | Wake Forest University |
Hannah | Saad | North Carolina State University |
Robert | Sandruck | North Carolina State University |
Sonalini | Sapra | School for International Training (SIT) |
Candice | Scott | Kansas City Kansas Community College |
Steve | Seaworth | Wake Forest University / INSTEP |
Katherine | Shaner | Wake Forest University |
Vivian | Shannon-Ramsey | Bowie State University |
Misti | Sharp | University of Florida |
Don | Shegog | Wake Forest University |
Rey | Sirakavit | University for Peace |
Olivia | Slack | North Carolina State University |
Valerie | Slate | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
VIckie | Smith | Wake Forest University |
Kimberly | Snipes | Wake Forest University |
Leigh | Stanfield | Wake Forest University |
Belle | Stephens | Elon University |
Andre | Stevenson | Elizabeth City State University |
Carey | Stewart | Virginia Tech |
Erica | Still | Wake Forest University |
Hannah | Strack | Cultural Awareness International |
Eudora | Struble | Wake Forest University |
Samantha | Sullivan | University of Maryland Baltimore County |
Lauren | Surface | Virginia Tech |
Tessa R. | Sutton, Ph.D. | Intercultural Relations Institute |
Jennifer | Szescula | Wake Forest University |
Ashley | Szulak | Study Abroad Association |
Tyson | Takeuchi | Clemson University |
Kendall | Tarte | Wake Forest University |
Mizuho | Tatebayashi | North Carolina State University |
David | Taylor | Wake Forest University |
Silvia | Tiboni-Craft | Wake Forest University |
Paige | Tierney | Wake Forest University |
Hecmir | Torres-Cuevas | Albizu University |
Ash | Trebisacci (they, she) | Brandeis University |
Lauren | Trethaway | Wake Forest University |
Encarna | Turner | Wake Forest University |
Maureen | Vandermaas-Peeler | Elon University |
Lauren | Viner | University of St. Thomas |
Suzanne | Voigt | University of North Carolina Charlotte |
Alessandra | Von Burg | Wake Forest University |
Ron | Von Burg | Wake Forest University |
Kati | Von Lehman | University of Pittsburgh |
Marybeth | Wallace | Wake Forest University |
AIdan | Walter | Wake Forest University |
Leigh | Walters | Virginia Tech |
Lindy | Westenhoff | Wake Forest University |
Kristofor | Wiley | James Madison University |
Lauren | Wood | University of Tennessee |
Madison | Wood | Wake Forest University |
Wenqi | Yang | Wake Forest University |
Yiliu | Yang | University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire |
Aaron | Yerkes | CEA CAPA | Education Abroad |
Haozhen | Xu | Wake Forest University |
Qiaona | Yu | Wake Forest University |
Michelle | Zhan | Wake Forest University |