2016 WISE Conference

Presentations & Schedule
Access the WISE 2016 Conference Program (pdf) to view the schedule, content, speakers, and more from last year’s meeting. WISE welcomed scholars from various universities and colleges for a dynamic meeting filled with motivational speakers, education sessions, workshops, and numerous networking opportunities. The 2016 conference offered the most concurrent sessions ever held at a WISE conference to date. Visit our Flickr album to view pictures of our event!
Keynote, Schedules, and Presentation Materials:
From the Inside Out: Transformative Learning and Teaching
Wednesday, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Dr. Michael Vande Berg and Dr. Tara Harvey, Co-Facilitators
Vande Berg & Harvey (PDF)
This workshop takes participants beyond traditional intercultural training approaches and teaches how to help themselves and students interact more effectively and appropriately with culturally different others through developing four core intercultural competencies. Research from a broad range of disciplines tells us when students learn away from home, they’re not being transformed merely through talking with, reading about, and coming into contact with the new and different. As researchers reveal more about the role the brain plays in constructing the worlds we perceive and act in, these new insights are being applied in various contexts including psychological and educational. Vande Berg and Harvey will show attendees how to move away from trying to transform students merely through teaching them about and immersing them in “cultural differences.” Participants in this workshop will gain a set of processes and practices to apply in their own intercultural learning and teaching activities.
Overview of the Standards of Good Practice
Wednesday, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Dr. Kline Harrison, Wake Forest University
The Forum’s Standards provide a means to assess and ensure quality in all areas of education abroad planning – academic programming, student conduct, resources, personnel, and policies & procedures. Using the Standards as a guide, participants will examine practices at their universities or organizations. This workshop will be highly interactive, drawing on case studies and issues of interest to attendees. This qualifies as a Forum Certification Workshop.
Forum’s Standards 4 & 5: Student Selection, Preparation, Code of Conduct & Returning Support
Wednesday, 1:30 – 5:30 pm
Mandy Brookings Blinn, DePauw University
With a focus on Student Selection, Preparation, Code of Conduct and Returning Support, this workshop will help participants identify resources and design programming in these areas. Topics include a comprehensive judicial screening process, different preparation and returning support models, and developing strategies to improve existing practices in participant’s specific context. This qualifies as a Forum Certification Workshop.
Keynote | 9:00 – 10:15 am
Intercultural Communication Skill Building and the Critical Role of faculty in Today’s World
James P. Pellow, Ed.D., President & CEO, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
Pellow (PDF)
Concurrent Sessions, 10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Micro-Practices to Develop Intercultural Competencies
Adriana Medina, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cultivating Intercultural Leaders: From Assessment to Action Plans at the Global Leadership Advancement Center
Joyce Osland, San Jose State University
Osland (PDF) | Osland (.doc)
Pre-Deployment Activities that Facilitate Readiness for Intercultural Learning
Julie Cusatis, Duke University School of Nursing
Increasing International Service Learning Participation Among African American Students at HBCUs and PWIs
Shameka Johnson, Howard University
Quentin Tyler, University of Kentucky
Building a Foundation with the DMIS, IDI, and the IDC
Nell Pynes, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Pynes (PDF)
Concurrent Sessions, 1:30 – 2:45 pm
Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces of Faculty-Led Programming
Michael Tyson, Wake Forest University
Anne Curtis, IES Abroad
Tyson (PDF)
Demystifying Intercultural Outcomes Assessment and the Changing Assessment Paradigm
Darla Deardorff, AIEA and Duke University
Assessment as a Re-Entry Tool: Utilizing Program Evaluations to Foster Global Competence
Sarah LaRosa, Marymount University
LaRosa (PDF) | LaRosa (.doc)
Social Justice and Global Education: Investigating Best Practices
Anne Hornak, Central Michigan University
Elizabeth Kirby, Central Michigan University
Hornak (PDF)
Arabic in Context and Intercultural Development: Study Abroad in Morocco
Mounia Mnouer, Northern Arizona University
Concurrent Sessions, 3:15 – 4:30 pm
Improving Learning by Design: Logic Models for Study Abroad Program Design
Paige Butler, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Badges, Seals, and Endorsements: Digital Documentation of International Competency, Capacity, and Accomplishment
Ann Cunningham, Wake Forest University
Helga Fasciano, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Mary Lynn Redmond, Wake Forest University
Ivonne Chirino-Klevans, North Carolina-State University
Cunningham (PDF)
Systematically Evaluating and Focusing Study Abroad Activities to Best Promote Intercultural Learning
Emily Maeckelbergh, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Maeckelbergh (PDF)
Meet Me at the Fair: A Collaborative, Multidisciplinary First-Year Seminar Model
Christina Soriano, Wake Forest University
Ryan Shirey, Wake Forest University
Christa Colyer,Wake Forest University
Soriano (PDF)
International Education Experiences – Why Do Students Take Them, and More Importantly, Why Do They Choose Not to Take Them?
Iris Berdrow, Bentley University
Berdrow (PDF)
Concurrent Sessions, 9:00 – 10:15 am
Student Contact with Local Peers Abroad
David Limburg, Guilford College
Daniel Diaz, Guilford College; Logan Stanfield, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Limburg (PDF)
Interactive Methods for Teaching about Cultural Differences
Janet Bennett, Intercultural Communication Institute
Bennett (PDF)
Climbing the Summit: Collaborative and Comprehensive Global Learning in a Liberal Arts Setting
Janelle Peifer, Agnes Scott College
Toby Emert, Agnes Scott College; Gayatri Sethi, Agnes Scott College
Peifer (PDF)
Planning International Service Programs
Mary Gerardy, Wake Forest University
Gerardy (PDF)
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,” How Do We Make Meaning of it All? Going Beyond Surface Reflection in Short-Term Study Abroad
Prudence Layne, Elon University
Concurrent Sessions, 10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Embedding Undergraduate Research into Faculty-Led Programs
Sarah Mullen, The College of William & Mary
Francie Cate-Arries, The College of William & Mary
Chantal Houglan, The College of William & Mary
Stephanie Heredia, The College of William & Mary
Mullen (PDF)
Assessing and Addressing Student Readiness for Intercultural Learning
Patti Brown, Institute for Study Abroad- Butler University
Jennifer Wiley, CoreCollaborative International and Universityof Missouri- Columbia
Brown (PDF), Brown (.doc), Brown 2 (.doc)
Mentoring for International Student Support
Ananda Mitra, Wake Forest University
Mitra (PDF)
Study Abroad 101
Marie Henry, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Jessica Francis, Wake Forest University
Language Matters, Even in Non-Language Programs
Rebecca Thomas, Wake Forest University
Concurrent Sessions, 1:30 – 2:45 pm
Mindfulness and Intercultural Learning from the Inside Out
Tara Harvey, True North Intercultural
Catherine Menyhart, CIEE
Harvey (PDF)
Independent Research as Conduit to Cross-Cultural Engagement
Tom Phillips, Wake Forest University
Harsh Patolia, Wake Forest University
Amy Xie,Wake Forest University
Phillips (Zachary Thomas, PDF) | Phillips (Julian Gilyard, PDF) | Phillips (Harsh Patolia, PDF) | Phillips (Amy Xie, PDF)
Profiles that Expand Global Citizenship: Approaches that Develop Intercultural Competencies in Higher Education
Marty Petrone, Miami University of Ohio and CISV International
Jesse Rowell, Aperian Global
Are They Picking Up What We’re Putting Down? Efficacy and Impact of a Cultural Transition Course For First-Year International Student
Nelson Brunsting, Wake Forest University
Brunsting (PDF)
Friends Beyond Borders: Cultural Variations in Close Friendship
Roger Baumgarte, Winthrop University
Baumgarte (.doc)