Pre-Conference Workshops

2025 Pre-Conference Offerings
Pre-registration required
Thursday, February 20
A) Intercultural Pedagogy for Transformative Learning
with Tara Harvey, PhD, Founder & Chief Intercultural Educator, True North Intercultural
Intercultural learning experiences are most transformative when they are experiential, developmental, and constructivist. But what does that mean? How do we intentionally design and facilitate learning experiences in this way? That’s what we’ll explore (and work on doing) in this interactive workshop. Participants will deepen their understanding of several intercultural pedagogies and explore how to utilize them in designing and facilitating intercultural learning experiences, whether at home or abroad. Come with a course, study abroad or co-curricular program, or other learning experience in mind that you would like to make more transformative.
This workshop is relevant to practitioners having intermediate or substantial experience with intercultural learning.
B) The Missing Piece: Enhancing Student Learning through Effective Re-Entry Programs
with Stephen Braye, PhD, Professor of English, Elon University
For too long the re-entry stage has been given less attention than other aspects of a study abroad experience. While there are many good reasons for this, namely resources, this stage provides perhaps the greatest opportunities for student learning, as well as feedback for study away programs. By focusing on the complexities of the re-entry experience, this workshop will enable participants to begin developing a program for enhancing student reflection and continued learning, while also gathering student input for your institution’s study abroad office.
Using a problem-based approach, each portion of the workshop will explore new ideas relating to the reactions students experience upon reentry, then provide time for small groups to explore these ideas. Each section will also include working with returning sojourners – current Elon students – and drafting a piece of your own program, thus building to a complete draft of the entire program. The workshop will help you identify the re-entry needs of students, many that are too often overlooked by study away programs. The workshop will also help you design better ways of engaging students upon their return, helping them deal with re-entry issues and promoting learning from the study abroad experience. All attendees will leave the workshop with new ideas and plans designed for their campus and students.
This workshop is relevant to practitioners new to the field or with intermediate experience, and ideal for groups of colleagues looking to develop or enhance their campus’ re-entry programming.
WFU Brookstown campus
9:30am – 10:00am | Check-in
10:00am – 12noon | Workshops
12noon – 1:00pm | Lunch
1:00pm – 3:00pm | Workshops
Registration Information
Registration for Pre-Conference Workshops will be available in October 2024 and remain open until February 5, 2025, or until capacity is reached. Advanced registration is required.
The registration fee includes coffee/light snacks and lunch. Participants are responsible for their own lodging and transportation.
Pre-Conference Workshops will be held at the WFU Graduate School at Brookstown, located in the Historic Brookstown Inn (200 Brookstown Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27101). Specific instructions and parking directions will be sent to participants prior to Workshops.
The summer prior to each WISE Conference, the Steering Committee announces an open call for proposals to facilitate WISE Workshops, four-hour intensive learning opportunities for participants to delve deeper into a specific topic related to intercultural learning.
Workshop topics may range from intercultural skill building techniques, research methods, innovative pedagogies, intercultural training topics, resources for faculty designing/enhancing study abroad programs, and/or emerging topics related to campus-based global programs.
The Call for Workshop Proposals will be announced on this website and through other avenues to reach educators. For planning purposes, the standard proposal form is provided below.